Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

:) (-)

Автор: DenisQ

Дата: 28.01.02, @16:10

  ' Опять на супер приборе нашлись проблемы.
' Jeepers Creepers/Pioneer 444 problem update
' Reader Graeme Creasey has confirmed the report we filed last week to the effect that Pioneer 444 DVD players struggle to play the R1 release of Jeepers Creepers, freezing on the film rating screen. But he's also got a solution for frustrated Jeepers fans; set up the desired surround options, then go to chapter selection and choose, say, chapter 3, then step back to chapter one once playback has started, and settle down to watch the movie without further freezing!

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