Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Отрывок из чата с представителями Критерион. (+)

Автор: Барма
Дата: 26.10.01, @10:00

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[AlexGuzeman] Thank you for chatting with us tonight and for exposing us to truly great films! I am wondering if Criterion plans to expand their output of Russian titles. You have three Russian films in the catalog, and two films coming up (as far as I know), but Russian cinema isn't limited to Tarkovsky or Eisenstein. What are the chances of seeing some others, such as, for example, Georgi Daneliya and his excellent "Kin-Dza-Dza!" or "Tears were Falling"? And if I may suggest another anime title, please consider the classic "Grave of the Fireflies." Thanks.

[JonMulvaney] GRAVE is an extraordinarily moving film - thanks for the suggestion.

[PeterBecker] We are working on Ballad of a Soldier and Cranes Are Flying right now, but if you are an aficionado, I would appreciate any input you want to offer about Russian films you think would make great Criterion editions.

[AlexGuzeman] The two I mentioned from Danelia, especially Kin-Dza-Dza

[PeterBecker] Also, thanks for the suggestion of Graves. Haven't seen it, but I'll do so.

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