Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

*Обращение ко всем*

Автор: iOleg

Дата: 21.05.00, @13:43

  Ниже приведена выдержка из правил спонсора Alladvantage. Как и любой другой спонсор, он запрещает подписывать реффералов используя политику спама. Действия MMX попадают под категорию *message board spam*, поэтому мне достаточно будет нажать пару кнопок, чтобы он потерял всех своих реффералов. Вы согласны с тем, чтобы я лишил его небольшого источника дохода. Проголосуйте, плиз.

Members may not use Spam to Obtain Referrals. You may not use unsolicited email, usenet, message board postings, or similar methods of mass messaging ( spam ) to gather referrals. (Usenet and message board spam are messages sent or posted which are unrelated to the topic of discussion of the particular news group or message board.) The use of spam to promote the AllAdvantage service has strict negative consequences. Not only may AllAdvantage terminate the Membership of any Member who in AllAdvantage s reasonable opinion has used unsolicited email to gain referrals (a Spammer ); AllAdvantage will also sever the branch of the "referral tree" made up of direct and extended referrals obtained by the Spammer. The branch accounts (those under the Spammer) will not be terminated, but no one above the Spammer on the referral tree will benefit (e.g. receive Viewbar credits) from them. In addition, You may be subject to state and federal penalties and other legal consequences under applicable law if You send unsolicited email. Our Anti-Spam Policy (http://www.alladvantage.com/antispam.asp) provides more details and is incorporated into this Agreement.

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