Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Дата: 06.09.01, @14:27

  Аж на 40 дюймов труба

Dominating the Loewe stand at the IFA show this year was the biggest widescreen CRT set yet. The 93102 ZW stretches to an unfeasible 40in across - enough to rival some rear projection sets.

Size isn't its only claim to fame, though; it's part of Loewe's well-received Aconda range, which means that as well as ultra-stylish looks it can be fitted with all manner of extra modules that could give you, say, Dolby Digital sound or internet access. The 93102 ZW should arrive in the UK in October, though no price has yet been determined.

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