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И ещё: На коробочке сзади написано, что Enhanced. Да и ВСЕ западные сайты пишут об этом......

Автор: Kastor

Дата: 07.08.01, @10:15

  `Video: How Does The Disc Look?
`While the movie isn't the greatest, at least Warner put a decent amount of effort into the technical aspects of this disc. Presented anamorphically in its original 2.35 aspect ratio, this film must have been a real challenge to compress. From the vibrant exteriors of Las Vegas to the dimly lit interiors, this film covers a wide range of photographic styles. And lets not forget the contrived Tekken-like opening clash between the computer-generated scorpions and overuse of music video slow motion and lighting techniques. But despite all these complications, this disc holds up wonderfully. Colors are very strong and fleshtones appear naturally balanced (at least until director Demian Lichtenstein slips into his Natural Born Killers mode.) Contrast and blacks are solid, and the level of detail in the image is very good. There are no signs of digital artifacting, though I did notice some minor edge enhancement in a few scenes. Another wonderful transfer from Warner.

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