Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

да. епт. ксе как обычно. индустрия нагибает граждан ;) (-)

Автор: musha

Дата: 09.07.01, @13:31

`If the nine or ten existing DVD releases of Jurassic Park and The Lost World are not enough, a new repressing of the DTS version of Jurassic Park is now shipping to retailers, just in time for a big Jurassic Park III tie-in. The original Jurassic Park DTS release drew criticism for using a reconformed master different from the previous laserdisc. The soundtrack was recorded 4dB lower, thus resulting in lower apparent bass than the laserdisc, and was also conformed for downmixing to those without full 5.1 setups.
`This new repressing goes back to the laserdisc master, which was a remix created for home theater and some (though not all) seem to prefer. How to tell this newly remastered version? The sticker on the top of the keepcase (not on the actual label) has been altered. The old sticker read "Jurassic Park (WS) DTS." The new version reads (now pay attention) "Jurassic Park (WS) (DTS)." Both the WS and DTS now have parentheses. Note the catalog number is exactly the same, so make sure you look at the labels carefully before ripping open the package! These newly remastered versions are hitting store shelves now.

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