Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: Darth Maul

Дата: 18.06.01, @12:24

  Вот что говорят:

The sole reason to see Lara Croft: Tomb Raider is spelled out in the first half of the title, most critics seem to agree. Played by Angelina Jolie -- of the 1001 magazine cover photos -- it is Lara Croft who will draw audiences to the theater, not the script, which, virtually every critic agrees, is far less involving than the video game on which it is based. "From her sensuous lips and smoldering glare to her Vargas figure, Jolie is the exaggerated male fantasy figure personified," writes Jack Mathews in the New York Daily News. Joe Morgenstern in the Wall Street Journal writes that Jolie "embodies the phenomenally popular video-game heroine with a vitality that will leave adolescent girls jumping for joy and adolescent boys going gaga." Rick Groen in the Toronto Globe and Mail comments: "This woman puts the silver in the screen." And Jay Carr in the Boston Globe sums up: "Jolie is quite the pistol!" That said, the movie itself is receiving rotten reviews from just about every major-market critic save Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times. "Here is a movie so monumentally silly, yet so wondrous to look at," he writes, "that only a churl could find fault." There is no shortage of churls. Gary Thompson in the Philadelphia Daily News says that if there were real truth in movie advertising, the poster for the film would read, "Indiana Juggs in the Temple of Bazooms." It is, he writes, "another mediocre addition to our ongoing summer of crap." Lou Lumenick in the New York Post grumbles that the film "is a tedious bore that deserves early entombment." Elvis Mitchell in the New York Times comments that "sitting through the lavish and dumb action spectacular Lara Croft: Tomb Raider is about as much fun as watching someone else play a video game." Steven Rea in the Philadelphia Inquirer recalls that at one point in the movie, a character cries out, "Time was stolen from us!" Says Rea: "Yup, I'd say 1 hour, 44 minutes, to be exact."

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