Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

"Tomb Raider" is an uninvolving disappointment.

Автор: Darth Maul

Дата: 15.06.01, @20:22

  Блин, отзывы зрителей на imdb гораздо хуже, чем я даже ожидал.

One of the worst films of the year
As far as the cast goes, it's simple: no characters to work
with equals no performances to speak of.... When a film like
this sucks this hard, you can usually say that the visual
effects at least are really cool. Not here. For a one hundred
million dollar film, the budgets look like they cost about $3.00
(they must have spent the rest of the money on Jolie's padded

If only all the tickets were free...
When the script sucks, the whole movie is doomed to suck, no
matter how many cool fight scenes you can tack on. Jolie is, of
course, a magnificent Lara. But this movie proves that even an
Oscar winner can't breath much life into horrendous dialog.

What a rack!
There is zero character development, plot holes the size of meteor
craters, and no originality. Lara Croft is given little to do
except fire her two pistols, fire off lame one liners, and pout
her fabulous lips and pose in clingy outfits. Less demanding young
male viewers might say that this is enough for them, but anyone
with half a brain will keep checking their watch.

Tomb Raider for Dummies!


Блин, неужели будет хуже Мумии???
2 Шура Локшин: Хватит ругаться с Зиппо, лучше сходи на этот фильм и напиши рецензию, а то нет сил ждать, пока оно до нас дойдёт...

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