Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: Kastor

Дата: 15.06.01, @12:40

  Don't have a cow, man

After quite a long wait, The Simpsons finally hits DVD on 9/25, according to a report today at Yahoo! News. Though Fox has been hinting for a while now that The Simpsons would come to DVD in Region 1 (some details were already announced for an overseas release), this is the first substantial report of features and street date. According to quotes by Fox VP of marketing Peter Staddon, the three-disc set will encompass the first, somewhat shortened season of the show, along with a "lost episode," plenty of extras and even some of the Simpsons shorts that first appeared on The Tracey Ullman show. Retail price is expected to be $39.95 for the first season, and if the release pattern for Fox's The X-Files is any indication, the wait won't be long for future seasons of the Simpsons. Check out the Yahoo! story for for the full scoop.

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