Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: Kastor
Дата: 10.05.01, @01:10

  It doesn't get any Harder than this...

Fans of John McClane, explosions and "Ultimate Editions," this is for you. Fox has finally announced the specs for the upcoming Die Hard Ultimate Collection, and as expected, these look pretty dang loaded with extras. The first Die Hard "Five Star Collection" 2-disc set will be available separately for $29.95, while as of now, Die Hard 2: Die Harder and Die Hard With A Vengeance will only be available as part of this three-pack. And though the two sequels are not "Five Star Collection" titles, they are also two-disc sets and full-fledged special editions. The Die Hard Ultimate Collection will retail for $79.95, and street date is 7/10.

All three discs feature new anamorphic widescreen transfers, English 5.1 Dolby Digital and DTS soundtracks, English and French 2.0 surround tracks, English and Spanish subtitles, and English Closed Captions. Die Hard also includes two audio commentaries, the first with director John McTiernan and other cast and crew, and the second with special effects supervisor Richard Edlund, "Subtitle Commentary" with cast and crew, the original making-of featurette, deleted scenes, gag reel, original newscast footage seen in the film, an "Editing Suite and Sound Mixing Studio" interactive feature, three interactive magazine articles (a la Big Trouble In Little Trouble), a still gallery, DVD-ROM features including game demos and the full screenplay with scene access, three trailers and seven TV spots. Die Hard 2: Die Harder features an audio commentary with director Renny Harlin, "The Making Of Die Hard 2" HBO First Look special, the original making-of featurette, deleted scenes, three visual effects sequence breakdowns and side-by-side comparisons, two vignettes on the film's stunts, four trailers and two TV spots. Finally, Die Hard With A Vengeance includes an audio commentary with director John McTiernan, the "A Night To Die For" CBS television special, "The Making of Die Hard With A Vengeance" HBO First Look special, the original making-of featurette, an alternate ending, three special effects and stunt breakdowns, one storyboard sequence, two trailers and ten TV spots. Nice!

The Back To The Future files

Ahhh, time once again to revisit the never-ending saga of the where-the-heck-is-it-already Back To The Future trilogy. Ever since Universal first announced Back To The Future as coming soon to DVD waaayyyy back in mid-1997, we've been waiting, and waiting...and waiting. Then, after many false starts and high hopes, more waiting....but still nothing. Since we continue to get emails all the time asking about a supposed release of the trilogy this summer, "official" non-Region 1 releases, and other news, we put in a call to Universal PR just yesterday to try and get a status report. Alas, according to a spokesperson, there will be no Back To The Future DVD release this summer. But their July slate already announced, and more Classic Monsters Collection titles among their big August releases, could we can still hope for a fall arrival? Maybe not, as these titles "are not currently on the schedule." Guess the wait continues...

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