Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: SL
Дата: 07.05.01, @10:59

  Вопрос: выступления какого исполнителя будут увековечены с помощью 5-дисковой коробки ДВД?

Битлы? Зеппелин? Пинк Флойд?

НЕТ... этот исполнитель - ...Китаро.

Kitaro Collection
ID: PIO11550DVD - $99.98 - Not Rated
UPC: 013023155091 - 436 min.
Preorder: NOW - Pioneer
Street: 5/29/2001 - Music
Pan & Scan - Color - 5.1 Dolby Digital

Revolutionary composer Kitaro is renowned for his ability to embody the
spirituality of nature and humanity through his music, often using non-traditional
instruments and extremely theatrical performance styles. Kitaro's style is the
epitome of the contemplative, highly melodic synthesizer music of the new-age
movement, capturing the vital, earthy, and ethereal aspects of existence. "The
Kitaro Collection" gathers his most celebrated and bewitching performances in
their entirety: "Kojiki: A Story in Concert" (1990, 55 min.), "An Enchanted
Evening" (1995, 84 min.), "Light of the Spirit" (1987, 109 min.), "Tamayura"
(2000, 68 min.), and "The Best of Kitaro" (2001, 120 min.).
5-disc Box Set

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