Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Re: Эээ

Автор: BFG
Дата: 18.03.01, @16:34

  `Вопрос а почему нет ДВД-СЕКАМ, с чем это связано? Технически как я понимаю записать сигнал в формате секам не проблема.

Ну вродеж он как для видеозаписей не используется вообще... Пал да НТССИ только
А недостатков и у него много..


SECAM/625 Advantages
Stable Hues and Constant Saturation - SECAM shares with PAL the ability to render images with the correct hue, and goes a step further in ensuring consistant saturation of colour as well.
Higher Number of Scan Lines - SECAM shares with PAL/625, the higher number of scan lines than NTSC/525.
SECAM/625 Disadvantages
Greater Flicker - (See PAL/625)
Mixing of two synchronous SECAM colour signals is not possible - Most TV studios in SECAM countries originate in PAL and transcode prior to broadcasting. More advanced home systems such as SuperVHS, Hi-8, and LaserDisc work internally in PAL and transcode on replay in SECAM market models.
Patterning Effects - The FM subcarrier causes patterning effects even on non-coloured objects.
Lower monochrome Bandwidth - Due to one of the two colour sub-carriers being at 4.25MHz (in the French Version), a lower bandwith of monochrome signal can be carried.
Incompatibility between different versions of SECAM - SECAM being at least partially politically inspired, has a wide range of variants, many of which are incompatible with each other. For example between French SECAM with uses FM subcarrier, and MESECAM which uses an AM subcarrier.

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